Dey Hazra ME, Dey Hazra RO, Hanson JA, Millett PJ
Posterior shoulder instability (PSI) is a relatively less common form of instability that frequently affects young overhead or contact athletes. The etiology of PSI may be traumatic or atraumatic, with establishment of the diagnosis being more difficult in cases of atraumatic instability. Surgical management of PSI has evolved from open techniques to arthroscopic techniques. Posterior stabilization has commonly been performed with 2 posterior working portals with the patient in the lateral decubitus position. The objective of this Technical Note is to describe a technique for posterior labral repair using all-suture anchors with the patient in the beach-chair position via 1 working portal with capsular closure.
For the complete study: Arthroscopic posterior labral repair and capsular closure via single working portal for posterior shoulder instability