Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Overview
One of the most common health conditions experienced by individuals is shoulder pain. The shoulder is a large, complex joint with a unique arrangement of muscles, ligaments and bones, including the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff, composed of four tendons responsible for controlling the arm’s rotation and elevation, is a common source of pain in millions of Americans. Rotator cuff pain can be the cause of rotator cuff tendonitis in many cases. Dr. Peter Millett specializes in treating and diagnosing a wide range of shoulder tendonitis cases.
Rotator cuff tendonitis is classified as an inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons along with an inflammation of the bursa. This form of shoulder tendonitis is typically caused by repetitive overhead activities, such as throwing, or an injury to the rotator cuff. Rotator cuff tendonitis is typically considered one of the mildest forms of a rotator cuff injury.
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Symptoms
The classic symptom of this form of shoulder tendonitis is rotator cuff pain, commonly radiating from the outer arm to several inches below the top of the shoulder. Other symptoms of rotator cuff tendonitis include pain and swelling in the front of the shoulder, pain when lowering and raising the arm, loss of mobility and shoulder stiffness.
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Diagnosis
If a patient is experiencing rotator cuff pain, Dr. Millett will perform a thorough physical examination to determine the precise location of pain and discomfort. He will also test the shoulder’s range of motion and strength. An X-ray or MRI may also be utilized to confirm the diagnosis of shoulder tendonitis.
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Treatment
In many cases, the initial treatment for rotator cuff tendonitis involves managing rotator cuff pain and swelling by modifying activities, using ice and taking anti-inflammatory medications. Dr. Millett may also recommend physical therapy to help restore strength and range of motion to the shoulder joint.
If rotator cuff tendonitis symptoms are not alleviated by non-surgical treatment measures, Dr. Millett may recommend a surgical approach. Surgery is commonly performed to remove an inflamed, thickened bursal tissue, to remove a prominence on the acromion’s undersurface and to repair a tear in the tendons surrounding the rotator cuff.
For more resources on rotator cuff pain caused by rotator cuff tendonitis, contact the orthopedic office of Dr. Peter Millett.