Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc, Lucca Lacheta, M.D., Travis J. Dekker, M.D., Nicole Anderson, B.A., and Brandon Goldenberg, B.A.
Surgical management for glenohumeral instability has advanced to provide stronger fixation and to be less invasive. Arthroscopic suture anchor repair has been the gold standard for isolated capsulolabral tears over the years. Despite the ability of the solid suture anchors to handle physiologic load, they can present challenges such as chondral damage due to anchor size and imperfect angulation, osteolysis, anchor breakage, revision drilling, difficulty of revision surgery with accompanied bone loss, and compromised postoperative magnetic resonance imaging quality. Recently, knotless all-suture anchors have been introduced as a technique to overcome these challenges. These anchors lack a rigid component and can be placed in a tunnel of smaller diameter, thereby allowing for maintenance of glenoid bone stock. The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe our preferred surgical technique with a minimally invasive approach for the fixation of capsulolabral tears using a knotless all-suture anchor construct.
For the complete study: Arthroscopic Knotless, Tensionable All-Suture Anchor Bankart Repair