Pearce S, Ruzbarsky JJ, Ernat JJ, Rakowski DR, Hanson JA, Millett PJ
Subscapularis tears have been found to occur in the setting of subcoracoid impingement and are related to the narrowing of the coracohumeral interval. The advancement of arthroscopic techniques has allowed for improved identification and treatment of this historically overlooked pathology. Challenges of arthroscopic subscapularis treatment include nearby neurovascular structures, tendon retraction, and adhesions, which are further complicated by diminished arthroscopic visualization, resulting from the concomitant subcoracoid impingement. The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe our preferred technique for arthroscopic management of subscapularis tears in the setting of subcoracoid impingement that is simple and reproducible, as well as cost-effective and efficient with limited additional morbidity to that of a standard diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy.
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