Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc., Philip-C. Nolte, M.D., M.A., Kaare S. Midtgaard, M.D., Michael Ciccotti, M.D., Jon W. Miles, M.Sc., Kira K. Tanghe, B.S., and Lucca Lacheta, M.D.
To compare the biomechanical performance of knotless versus knotted all-suture anchors for the repair of typeII SLAP lesions with a simulated peel-back mechanism.
Twenty paired cadaveric shoulders were used. A standardized type II SLAP repair was performed using knotless (group A) or knotted (group B) all-suture anchors. The long head of the biceps (LHB) tendon was loaded in a posterior direction to simulate the peel-back mechanism. Cyclic loading was performed followed by load-to-failure testing. Stiffness, load at 1 and 2 mm of displacement, load to repair failure, load to ultimate failure, and failure modes were assessed.
The mean load to repair failure was similar in groups A (179.9958.42 N) and B (167.8344.27 N, P¼.530). The mean load to ultimate failure was 23095.93 N in group A and 229.4878.45 N in group B and did not differ significantly (P¼.958). Stiffness (P¼.980), as well as load at1mm(P¼.721) and 2 mm (P¼.849) of displacement, did not differ significantly between groups. In 16 of the 20specimens (7 in group A and 9 in group B), ultimate failure occurred at the proximal LHB tendon. Failed occurred through slippage of the labrum in 1 specimen in each group and through anchor pullout in 2 specimens in group A.
Knotless and knotted all-suture anchors displayed high initial fixation strength with no significant differences between groups in type II SLAP lesions. Ultimate failure occurred predominantly as tears of the proximal LHBtendon.Clinical Relevance: All-suture anchors have a smaller diameter than solid anchors, can be inserted through curved guides, preserve bone stock, and facilitate postoperative imaging. There is a paucity of literature investigating the biomechanical capacities of knotless versus knotted all-suture anchors in type II SLAP repair.
For the complete study: Biomechanical Comparison of Knotless All-Suture Anchors and Knotted All-Suture Anchors in Type II SLAP Lesions A Cadaveric Study