
Predictors of Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life After Sternoclavicular Joint Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon Autograft

Categories: Shoulder Studies, Sternoclavicular|Tags: , |

Predictors of Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life After Sternoclavicular Joint Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon Autograft

Categories: Shoulder Studies, Sternoclavicular|Tags: , |

Minimum 5-Year Clinical Outcomes, Survivorship, and Return to Sports After Hamstring Tendon Autograft Reconstruction for Sternoclavicular Joint Instability

Categories: Sternoclavicular|Tags: , |

Sternoclavicular Joint Reconstruction Fracture Risk Is Reduced With Straight Drill Tunnels and Optimized With Tendon Graft Suture Augmentation.

Categories: Sternoclavicular|Tags: , |

Minimum 2-year outcomes and return to sport following resection arthroplasty for the treatment of sternoclavicular osteoarthritis

Categories: Sternoclavicular|Tags: , , |

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