OrthopaedicHealth-1Dr. Millett contributes to LA Times Sports Medicine publication on Orthopaedic Health.  Sports medicine used to be a fancy word that limited itself to the treatment of sports injuries by professional athletes.  This is not the case anymore. The most common sports injuries associated with the knee, shoulder and elbow can all be considered common sports injuries under the sports medicine umbrella—and any athlete playing sports is at risk.  Orthopedic sports medicine specialist, Dr. Peter Millett, provides an overview of sports medicine as well as common sports injuries he sees daily from athletes of all ages.  He also notes that an orthopedic sports medicine specialist should adopt a common theme during surgery and that is to restore the soft tissue structures that are so vital to the joints’ well being. According to Millett, “it is the orthopedic sports medicine specialist’s job to make sure a patient can return to his or her sport, full functioning, as quickly and safely as possible.”

See Orthopaedic Health: Over View of Sports Medicine for full article (For Dr. Millett, scroll down to page 8)