Łukasz Jaworski, Jan Zabrzyński, Peter J Millett, MD, Marco-Christopher Rupp, Filippo Familiari, Gazi Huri, Jakub Erdmann, Michał Błachowski, Przemysław Pękala, Maciej Gagat
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between microscopic degeneration in the long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) and the apoptotic process.
This study included 26 consecutive patients who had undergone arthroscopic biceps tenodesis or tenotomy for symptomatic LHBT with or without concomitant rotator cuff tears (RCTs). Histological examination of the specimens under a light microscope was conducted after staining with hematoxylin, eosin, and the Alcian blue. Histopathological changes were assessed using the original Bonar score and the modified Bonar score and then correlated with the expression of the subsequent apoptosis markers: activated caspase-3 (casp3), tumor protein p53 (p53), and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2).
The mean original Bonar score was 8.65 (range 5-11), while the modified Bonar score was 7.61. There was no correlation between the original Bonar score and the age of the patients, but a positive correlation was found between the modified Bonar score and the age of the patients (p = 0.0022). There was no correlation between the age of patients and the expression indexes of BCL-2 and casp3. However, the expression of the p53 index showed a positive correlation with patient aging (p = 0.0441). Furthermore, there was no correlation observed between the expression of apoptotic indexes and both the original and modified Bonar scale.
In LHB tendinopathy, the expression of apoptosis does not seem to directly correlate with the extent of degeneration, particularly in the late stages of tendinopathy. However, the transformations observed in collagen and ground substance were significantly associated with age, as well as tendinous tissue degeneration quantified according to modified Bonar score. The age of patients was also linked with the expression of the p53 index, as an increased apoptosis in the studied population.
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