Dr. Millett competes in The World Surgery Tour Grand Final
Dr. Millett and his team recently competed in The World Surgery Tour Grand Final: Irreparable Rotator Cuff Partial Repair and Balloon, vs SCR.
The World Surgery Tour commented:
“We are still very proud of the Grand Final of the World Surgery Tour and we are honored that you were there!” (regarding Dr. Millett)
Dr. Millett said: “Thanks for a wonderful time at the WST!!! We had a blast and were honored to participate.”
Congratulations to Dr. Millett and his team!
You can watch the video of the competition here:
The World Surgery Tour Grand Final: Irreparable Rotator Cuff Partial Repair and Balloon, vs SCR
Peter Millett MD, Orthopedic Knee Elbow Shoulder Specialist
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