Each year Dr. Millett, The Steadman Clinic and Steadman Philippon Research Institute welcomes visiting scholars to complete an international fellowship in Vail. This year Rony Dey Hazra, MD and Maria Dey Hazra, MD, completed their fellowship and left this tribute.
Both Dr. Rony Dey Hazara and Dr. Maria Dey Hazara talk about their time in Vail, Colorado and what the program has meant to them.
About the program:
Founded in 1988 by orthopaedic surgeon Dr. J. Richard Steadman, the Steadman Philippon Research Institute is an independent, tax-exempt (IRS code 501(c)(3)) charitable organization, employing scientists, researchers, fellows, visiting scholars, and interns. The Steadman Philippon Research Institute is known throughout the world for our research into the causes, prevention and treatment of orthopaedic disorders. They are committed to solving orthopaedic problems that limit an individual’s ability to maintain an active life.