Keith Allison on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Major league baseball player, Danny Espinosa began to experience pain in his wrist after getting hit by a pitch in April of the 2013 season. After receiving treatment and rest, Espinosa was not improving, and was put on the disabled list in June 2013. His lack of improvement brought on speculation. After hurting his shoulder in September 2012, many began to speculate that Espinosa had a possible rotator cuff tear.
Dr. Peter Millett was sought out to give more insight on rotator cuff tears. As a shoulder specialist at The Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado, Dr. Millett is well versed on the topic of rotator cuff tears and the treatment options. Dr. Millett did not have specific information on Espinosa’s case, but did make it clear that the severity of the injury depends upon the size of the tear.
Dr. Millett continued by stating that surgical repair immediately after a rotator cuff tear is not always recommended, due to the increase in stiffness and limited range of motion that can occur. In the cases of a partial tear, it is best to rehab the shoulder and strengthen the muscles around the tear.
To read more about Danny Espinosa’s case and Dr. Millett’s educational information, please click here.