About Peter Millett, MD
Pennsylvania native Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc. is an internationally renowned sports orthopedic surgeon, researcher, and author with numerous patents for groundbreaking orthopedic and biologic innovations. As a partner at The Steadman Clinic, Dr. Millett has been consistently selected as one of the “Best Doctors in America” and has been ranked in the top 1% of Orthopaedic Surgeons by U.S. News and World Reports. Using advanced open and arthroscopic surgical techniques Dr. Millett focuses on restoring damaged joints, ligaments and bones in the shoulder, elbow and knee.Los Resultados de Dos Años de la Reconstrucción Capsular Anterior del Hombro Abierto Para la Inestabilidad de la Deficiencia de Capsular Grave
Two-Year Outcomes of Open Shoulder Anterior Capsular Reconstruction for Instability From Severe Capsular Deficiency
Tratamiento de Fracturas de Clavícula: Revisión de Conceptos Corrientes
Treatment of Clavicle Fractures Current Concepts Review
Subcoracoidea Impacto: Los Factores Asociados con el Tamaño y la Ubicación del Intervalo Coracohumeral
Arthroscopy of the shoulder is not routinely preformed during reconstruction of the acromioclavicular joint. During an open AC joint reconstructive procedure, failure to recognize and address glenohumeral joint (GHJ) pathology can adversely affect outcomes. There [...]
Reparación De Flotantes Posteriores Lesiones Inferiores Ligamento Glenohumeral: Técnica Quirúrgica
Posterior glenohumeral joint instability makes up approximately 2% to 10% of all shoulder instability reports in the literature and pathologic findings in patients, which often involve a spectrum of pathology rather than a single pathoanatomic [...]
Pinzamiento del Coracoides – Asociación entre Estrechamiento del Intervalo Coracohumeral y Patologías Anterior del Hombro
Coracoid Impingement: A Prospective Cohort Study on the Association between Coracohumeral Interval Narrowing and Anterior Shoulder Pathologies
Las Complicaciones de las Fracturas de Clavícula Tratados con Fijación Intramedular
Las Complicaciones de las Fracturas de Clavícula Tratados con Fijación Intramedular
Combinado Lesión Posterior de Bankart Ósea y la Avulsión Humeral Posterior de los Ligamentos Glenohumerales
This article: “Combined Posterior Osseous Bankart Lesion and Posterior Humeral Avulsion of the Glenohumeral Ligaments”, highlights a case study of “floating” posterior inferior glenohumeral ligament lesions. The pathoanatomy of anterior shoulder dislocations has been well [...]
Enfermedad del Manguito Rotador: Conceptos Básicos de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento
SUMMARY: Rotator cuff disease is common among athletes and the athletic population. Rotator cuff disease is a particularly prevalent cause of shoulder pain and weakness often presented to the medical community. An understanding of the [...]