Ames, James A. MD, MSc; van der Meijden, Olivier A. J. MD; Millett, Peter J. MD, MSc
Posterior glenohumeral joint instability makes up approximately 2% to 10% of all shoulder instability reports in the literature and pathologic findings in patients, which often involve a spectrum of pathology rather than a single pathoanatomic finding. A combined posterior Bankart lesion and posterior humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament has been defined as the floating posterior inferior glenohumeral ligament. This combination of pathology may result in severe posterior-inferior instability and the need to address both lesions during attempted surgical repair has therefore been stressed.
In this study, “Repair of Floating Posterior Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Lesions: Surgical Technique”, suggested techniques for repairing the various subtypes of floating posterior inferior glenohumeral ligament lesions is discussed. Repair of both the humeral and glenoid-sided injuries are addressed.
For the complete study: Repair of Floating Posterior Inferior Glenohumeral