Peter J. Millett, Trevor R. Gaskill, Frank Martetschlager
We would like to thank Drs. Frank, Provencher, and Romeo for their interest and comments on our article titled ‘‘Reconstruction of Posterior Glenoid Deficiency Using Distal Tibial Osteoarticular Allograft’’. Several important questions were raised, and we are thankful to have the opportunity to provide some clarification and expand upon the published manuscript.
Firstly, we would like to thank the authors for noting our unfortunate oversight regarding the location of allograft procurement and agree that additional procedural description would be beneficial to readers. For clarification, the lateral 1/3 of the distal tibial allograft was utilized for the posterior glenoid reconstructions as the referenced figure appropriately depicts but which was incorrectly captioned. We also agree that currently available evidence would support the use of the lateral 1/3rd of the tibia as compared to the medial segment. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this oversight.
For the complete study: Response to a comment regarding ‘‘Reconstruction of posterior glenoid deficiency using distal tibial osteoarticular allograft’’