Travis J. Dekker, M.D., Lucca Lacheta, M.D., Brandon Goldenberg, B.A., W. Jeffrey Grantham, M.D., and Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc.
Arthroscopic repair of SLAP tears is a common shoulder procedure, especially in overhead athletes. Repair techniques have evolved over the last 20 years, and the optimal technique remains elusive. In many cases, a transrotator cuff portal placed lateral to the acromion is used to access the superior glenoid. However, violating the rotator cuff is not desirable in an overhead athlete, and this approach can be associated with an increased risk of postoperative morbidity. The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe our preferred surgical technique with a rotator cuffesparing approach for arthroscopic SLAP repair with all-suture anchors.
For the complete study:Rotator-Cuff-Sparing-Arthroscopic-SLAP-Repair-Knotless-Anchors