The Visiting Research Scholars Program is open to orthopaedic surgeons who have completed at least 4 years of training and have an interest in the advanced study of shoulder and sports medicine disorders. The research scholar will work directly with Dr. Peter Millett, the director of the shoulder program, and his team of clinical and basic science researchers. Approximately 40% of the scholar’s time will be dedicated to clinical work with the opportunity to participate in didactic teaching sessions, outpatient clinics, and surgery. Scrub privileges will be granted to qualified applicants. The other 60% of the scholar’s time will be dedicated to research on clinically relevant shoulder problems with an emphasis on shoulder kinematics and biomechanics.
There is a new state of the art biomechanics lab which includes opportunities for robotic testing and dual-fluoroscopy 3-dimensional in vivo joint analyses. There will also be opportunities to participate in outcomes research using the vast clinical database that Dr. Millett and his team have collected. Optional activities include participation in the myriad sports events in which the clinic and institute are involved. Minimum commitment 6 months, 12 months preferred. Interested applicants should submit a letter of inquiry, personal statement, CV, and 2 letters of reference to Dr. Millett at the following address:
Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc
Director of Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder, Knee, Sports Medicine
The Steadman Clinic
181 Meadow Dr, Suite 400
Vail, CO 81657 USA
Our Scholars

Maximilian Hinz, MD,
International Visiting Scholar
AGA Fellow – 2023-2024
Maximilian Hinz, MD, graduated from the Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria. Prior to starting his residency at the Department of Sports Orthopaedics at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, he had the opportunity to train at a wide variety of international institutions through internships spanning 12 different countries, including Brazil, China, and South Africa. Maximilian is currently working with Dr. Millett at The Steadman Clinic, conducting research with the biomedical engineering and outcomes research departments. Upon completion of his research fellowship in Vail, he will move to back to Germany to complete his residency in orthopaedic surgery.
Former Visiting Scholars

Marco-Christopher Rupp, M.D.
AGA Fellow – 2022-2023
Marco-Christopher Rupp, M.D. is our 2022/2023 AGA fellow (German Society for Arthroscopic Surgery). He graduated from the Technical University of Munich Medical School, where he completed an experimental doctoral thesis on the response of the immune system to injury. Following a fellow intern position at McKinsey&Company, Dr. Rupp trained at the Department of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine at the Technical University of Munich in his residency and completed a short-term fellowship at Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, Chicago, IL. He has a strong clinical and academic interest in innovation in the field of joint preserving shoulder and knee surgery and serves in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Surgery.
On completion of his fellowship in Vail, he will return to the Department of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine at the TU Munich.

Maria Dey Hazra, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2021-2022
Maria Dey Hazra, M.D. is one of our 2021/2022 International Research Fellows from Germany. She graduated from Leipzig University Medical School. During that time she spent one year at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, received training at UAB Birmingham Alabama, and performed research at Charité University on stemless shoulder arthroplasty.

Rony-Orijit Dey Hazra, M.D.
AGA Fellow – 2021-2022
Rony-Orijit Dey Hazra, M.D. is our 2021/2022 AGA fellow (German Society for Arthroscopic Surgery). He graduated from the medical school of Hannover and performed 12 months research at the Tufts medical center in Boston, Massachusetts regarding the age- depended effect of TGF-b on type II cells in mice lungs. He received medical and surgical training at the university hospital of Zurich and Lucerne. His doctoral thesis compared different arthroscopic techniques on the distal clavicle fracture. He became a specialist in orthopedic and trauma surgery in 2020. During his residency and afterwards he performed research under supervision of Prof. Helmut Lill at the Friederikenstift, Hanover, Germany focusing on specific surgical techniques on the shoulder and shoulder girdle. His interests especially focus on reconstructive Shoulder Surgery, Trauma Surgery as well as Emergency Medicine.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we did not have a class of 2020-2021.

Philip Nolte, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2019-2020
Dr. Nolte was born and raised near Frankfurt/ Main, Germany. He graduated from the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany and started his residency at Bad Duerkheim Hospital, Germany where in the meantime he earned his Master of Arts in Health Care Management. Before his research fellowship with Dr. Millett he was working in trauma and orthopedic surgery, as well as pre-hospital emergency medicine at the BG Trauma Center in Ludwigshafen, Germany, where he will also return following his fellowship.

Anna Tross, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2019-2020
Dr. Tross was born and raised in Heidelberg, Germany. She graduated from the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany and started her residency at the “German Joint Center”, ATOS Clinic Heidelberg, Germany under her supervisors Prof. Dr. Markus Loew and Dr. Sven Lichtenberg. Before her research fellowship with Dr. Millett she was working as a resident in trauma and orthopedic surgery at the University Hospital of Heidelberg, Germany. Since 2017 Dr. Tross is an official doctor for the German Track and Field Association (DLV).

Simon Euler, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2015-2016
Simon Euler, MD, is our current visiting scholar working with Dr. Millett at The Steadman Clinic and at The Steadman Philippon Research Institute as a research fellow. He graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany and did his residency in Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology at the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria. His interests especially focus on Shoulder Surgery, reconstructive and Trauma Surgery as well as Emergency Medicine. On his completion of the fellowship in Vail, he will return to Innsbruck to join the Department of Trauma Surgery at the Medical University again.

Uli Spiegl, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2013-2014
Uli Spiegl, MD was a visiting scholar from 2013-2014. He graduated from Technical University of Munich. Following his graduation he completed his residency in trauma surgery at the BG Traumacenter Murnau in Germany. During that time, he spent one year at the Davos Hospital focusing on sports medicine. Before coming to Vail, he worked at the University Clinic in Lepizig, Germany specializing in spine and trauma surgery. After completing his fellowship at The Steadman Philippon Research Institute, he will return to Germany and resume his work at the University Clinic in Lepizig.

Daniel Rios, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2011-2012
Daniel Rios, MD, is our visiting scholar for 2011-2012. He graduated from orthopaedic residency at University of Monterrey, Mexico, and after that he spent one year doing a research fellowship in Boston Ma at the Cartilage Repair Center at Brigham and Women´s Hospital-Harvard Medical School . He has a strong clinical and academic interest in cartilage repair and sports medicine. He is currently working on different ongoing projects at our center and on completion of his program will move back to Monterrey, Mexico, to start his practice.

Frank Martetschläger
International Visiting Scholar – 2011-2012
Frank Martetschläger, MD, is the current Arthrex visiting research scholar for 2011-2012 working with Dr. Millett at The Steadman Clinic and conducting research at the Bio-mechanics and Clinical Research Department of The Steadman Philippon Research Institute. He graduated from the University Medical Center in Würzburg, Germany. After finishing his studies he spent his residency at the Orthopedic and Trauma Center, University Clinic Mannheim, the Shoulder and Elbow Department at the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg and the Clinic for Traumatology, University Clinic rechts der Isar, Munich. He has a strong clinical and academic interest in shoulder surgery and sports medicine. On completion of his fellowship in Vail he will move back to Germany and resume his work at the University Clinic in Munich.

Olivier Van Der Meijden
International Visiting Scholar – 2010-2011
Olivier van der Meijden, MD, was a visiting scholar conducting research at the Bio-mechanics and Clinical Research Department of The Steadman Philippon Research Institute from 2010-2011. He graduated from the University Medical Center in Utrecht, The Netherlands in 2009 after which he started working as a non-training resident, both in general surgery and orthopaedic surgery. Prior research background includes virtual reality simulation in surgical trainees and ACL revision reconstructions which have provided several publications and presentations at European and Dutch conferences. On completion of his research activities in Vail, he moved back to The Netherlands to start his orthopaedic residency at the Vrije Universiteit Medical Center in Amsterdam.

Florian Elser, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2008-2009
Dr. Florian Elser was a visiting Arthrex research scholar for The Steadman Clinic and Dr. Millett from 2008 to 2009. He studied at Ludwid Maximilians University in Munich, Germany where he obtained both is degree in physics and in medicine. He is an expert in orthopedic surgery and in trauma related injuries and completed residencies in both areas. Prior to coming to The Steadman Clinic, Dr. Elser was the attending surgeon for the department of orthopedic traumatology in Munich. Currently he resides in Augsburg Germany where he works with the Hessingpark Clinic; he is a partner in the Sportsmedicine Group with Ulrich Boenisch, M.D.

Sepp Braun, MD
International Visiting Scholar – 2007-2008
Sepp Braun, MD was a visiting scholar at the Bio-mechanics Laboratory and The Steadman Clinic in 2007/08. After successfully completing his research projects in Vail, he moved back to Germany for a staff position at the Orthopaedic and Trauma Center of the University of Freiburg, Germany. In May 2010 he relocated his practice to his home town Munich for a position as senior consultant at the Department for Orthopaedic Sportsmedicine at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Jean-Yves Schoenahl, MD
Strasbourg University Hospital, Attendee Orthopedic Research-(France)
Dr. Schoenahl graduated from medical school at the University of Strasbourg where he also completed his orthopaedic residency training. While in residency, his research mainly focused on computer-assisted surgery in joint replacements which have provided several national and international presentations. He also trained with Pr Jean-François Kempf and Pr Philippe Clavert, two acknowledged shoulder surgeons in Europe.
After his residency, Dr. Schoenahl had the opportunity and honor to spend one year in Vail as a visiting research scholar (2009-2010) at The Steadman Philippon Research Institute. His schedule was divided between research and clinical activities under the tutelage of Dr. Peter Millett. His research on novel arthroscopic treatments for glenohumeral arthritis has been presented in United States and Europe. He also took advantage of Vail’s exceptional environment to practice his two favorite hobbies which are alpine skiing and golf. He now works in Strasbourg University Hospital as an attendee. He intends to focus more on sports medicine, especially shoulder arthroscopy, cartilage repair and joint conservative treatments.
For information on orthopedic treatment options available for the shoulder, knee and elbow, please contact Dr. Peter Millett’s office in Vail, CO.