Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders

Mast Cells Mediate Acute Inflammatory Responses After Glenoid Labral Tears and Can Be Inhibited With Cromolyn in a Rat Model

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders, Shoulder Studies|Tags: , |

Conversion of Failed Proximal Long Head of the Biceps Tenodesis to Distal Subpectoral Tenodesis: Outcomes in an Active Population

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders|Tags: , , |

Biomechanical Comparison of Knotless All-Suture Anchors and Knotted All-Suture Anchors in Type II SLAP Lesions: A Cadaveric Study

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders|Tags: , |

Arthroscopic Repair of Isolated Partial- and Full-Thickness Upper Third Subscapularis Tendon Tears: Minimum 2-Year Outcomes After Single-Anchor Repair and Biceps Tenodesis

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders|Tags: , , |

Biomechanical Comparison of Intramedullary Cortical Button Fixation and Interference Screw Technique for Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders|Tags: , , |

Analysis of Interobserver and Intraobserver Variability in the Diagnosis and Treatment of SLAP Tears Using the Snyder Classification

Categories: Labrum Slap Biceps Disorders|Tags: , |

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