
Qualitative and Quantitative Anatomy of the Humeral Attachment of the Pectoralis Major Muscle and Structures at Risk: A Cadaveric Study

Categories: Muscle Ruptures|Tags: , |

Anatomical Safe Zones for Arthroscopic Snapping Scapula Surgery: Quantitative Anatomy of the Superomedial Scapula and Associated Neurovascular Structures and the Effects of Arm Positioning on Safety

Categories: Snapping Scapula|Tags: , |

Quantitative and Computed Tomography Anatomic Analysis of Glenoid Fixation for Superior Capsule Reconstruction: A Cadaveric Study

Categories: Glenohumeral Joint Preservation|Tags: , |

Normal curvature of glenoid surface can be restored when performing an inlay osteochondral allograft: an anatomic computed tomographic comparison

Categories: Glenohumeral Joint Preservation|Tags: , |

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